Men’s Self Defence 101

Okay, so this vid is called Men’s Self Defence, but it appears to be all about how a woman can defend herself from a man, making it women’s self defence.

Also, before you start watching, try not to get too distracted by the dumb-ass facial expressions the hubby keeps making. He’s clearly trying to audition for something.

01:27 I think she’s under the impression that she can do all this while the attacker is moving in. You can’t.

I’d simply knock her hand away, and being as I’m stronger and I’m going to guess faster, this defence wouldn’t work.

If you can reach the attacker’s throat in such  a manner then you can land a palm strike to the chin, which will be quicker, more effective as it wont require to hold on.

01:28 To lift his head up. Um, what? Most people when you grab for their neck will automatically bring their chin down, and you wont be stronger at that angle to lift his head up.

01:59 The husband here is asking for someone to come around and slap him. Knock off the silly expressions!

02:21 That is the face made by a man who loves the smell of his own farts. Or he hears the mothership calling him home.

02:35 The larynx grab is effective, but we’re still at a loss as to who this video is for. Is it for men to defend against other men, or for women to defend against men?

02:48 News flash, their fight or flight will have been triggered long before it gets to the point of squeezing the air from them.

Also be aware that if you’re attempting this with someone who is stood up, is not pinned against a wall, and is taller and stronger than you, you’re going to get smashed.

As you’re reaching up the attacker will push your arm to the side and whack you, hard.

If you’re smaller, weaker, lighter, then attempting any grab or hold is foolhardy. Rather, you should be focusing on hitting very hard very fast to a vulnerable spot, and then running away.

03:21 She doesn’t understand how things work. If my arms are longer than your, and they’re outstretched, I’m going to keep you at bay and stop you from hitting my neck, especially if you’re trying with a bent arm.

You are not going to over-power someone like this and break through to get their neck.

Am I the only person who still pressure tests these things, Jesus!?

03:41 You use the entire length of the forearm, from wrist to elbow, to hit the throat. It doesn’t need to be the hard pointy tip of the elbow at all. This is all nonsense that she’s saying here.

03:56 Ah ha, yes. The short tip of the elbow to the jawline, this would work. Oh, wait, she did it by accident. Never mind. The one technique she stumbles onto ass-backwards that will work she says sorry for and moves on like nothing happened.

04:26 ‘So I’ve got him in a headlock.’ That’s not a headlock. Also, she acknowledges that she’s too small for this, so why is she doing it?

If you can’t make something work in a controlled environment, with a willing opponent, then what the fuck makes you think it’s going to work for real?

04:41 If she tried this on anyone at all who has a basic understanding of turning to their right, she’s going over. This is so dumb and nicey-nice that it’s sickening. If this is what you like, then the hell with it and enjoy, but as far as real fighting is concerned you’d be better taking a shoe off and throwing it at the attacker.

05:27 If you’ve ever held a hammer as in to hammer a nail. Or as in to smack yourself in the head repeatedly until this bullshit looks like it might work.

05:50 If you can reach the collarbone, you can reach the jawline/chin. Aim for that instead and drop the attacker.

05:55 It’ll hurt like heck. Language m’lady. I have to assume from this that they don’t use the right language for the ‘interview’ stages of combat. So a good, loud dose of swearing will more than likely bring this woman (and her cuckold hubby) right out of their game plan.

06:01 Don’t punch it. You can see from the angle that she’ll break her fingers or sprain her wrist. They clearly don’t even do pad work.

06:33 Don’t feel free to jump to get momentum. There’s a reason boxers plant their feet when they throw power shots rather than jump into the air.

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